Cargo: Unified cloud-based platform supporting end-to-end business operations | Mutually Human

Cargo: Unified cloud-based platform supporting end-to-end business operations

A large shipping and logistics company offering a range of services including truckload delivery services and warehousing, was using a multitude of different applications, including manual processes, that were disconnected from one another. After launching Cargo, the company was able to increase efficiency in operational processes, reduce errors, eliminate the reliance on physical paper documents, and provide remote access to the system for employees and drivers.

Business Problem

A large shipping and logistics company offering a range of services including truckload delivery services and warehousing, was using a multitude of different applications, including manual processes, that were disconnected from one another. The software was required to be installed on devices as well as connected to a local network. They were struggling with time consuming process and inaccuracies due to a lot of manual processes. Not only was the system limiting the efficiency of their operations, but it also did not have a way to generate reports easily to further analyze operations. 


It was determined that there was no off-the-shelf solution that perfectly met the needs of the business. Mutually Human designed and implemented a unified cloud-based web application platform (Cargo) that supports end to end operations. The platform includes customer and rate management, dispatch and scheduling workflows, estimation and billing systems, automatic generation of invoices, and much more. Unified cloud-based platform supporting end-to-end business operations.

Benefits and Results

After launching Cargo, the company was able to increase efficiency in operational processes, reduce errors, eliminate the reliance on physical paper documents, and provide remote access to the system for employees and drivers.


Less Workforce Expenses


Increased Efficiency


System Remote Access

Self-service sign up

In the past, companies looking to purchase the uMap™ tool had to talk to the BU sales team. Now, companies ready to use this powerful tool can purchase the uMap™ tool online. The software walks the purchasers through an easy onboarding process to get them from purchase to up-and-running in very little time!

Create a unique uMap™

Creating a uMap™ is simple, yet very informative and inspiring. Each employee is guided through a series of questions that tap into both their professional and personal self.


The uMap™ software comes complete with features allowing managers to complete a review process using each employee’s unique uMap™. 

Gain insight through reports

When employees fill out a uMap™ there is a lot of information that could be very beneficial to their company. What training do their employees need? Who are the influencers in the organization? 

Great projects start with a great conversation.